Magenta | Red and Purple to mix it This color is also known as: Red Purple. |
Here's an example of mixing colors together like: Yellow and Orange make Amber. look down for other colors you might like. Have fun!
Red |
No colors mixed to get red. |
Vermillion | Red and Orange to mix it. This color is also known as: Red Orange. | ||
Orange | Yellow and Red | ||
Amber | Orange and Yellow to mix it. This color is also known as: Yellow Orange. | ||
Yellow | No colors mixed to get Yellow. | ||
Chartreuse | Yellow and Green to mix it. This color is also known as: Yellow Green. | ||
Green | Yellow and Blue. | ||
Teal | Green and Blue to mix it. this color is also known as: Blue Green. | ||
Blue | No colors to get Blue | ||
Violet | No colors mixed to get Violet This color is also known as: Purple. |
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